my offers
**Energetische Prozesse und Eigenverantwortung**
Die energetische Hilfestellung beschäftigt sich ausschließlich mit der Aktivierung und Harmonisierung körpereigener Energiefelder
(Lebensenergie). Ich wurde darüber informiert und nehme zur Kenntnis, dass ich ausnahmslos energetische Beratung erhalte.
Da diese Maßnahmen der Wiederherstellung und Harmonisierung der körpereigenen Energiefelder dienen, stellen sie keine Heilbehandlung dar.
Die Wirkungsweise und der Erfolg der energetischen Behandlung ist naturwissenschaftlich nicht belegt.
Dementsprechend stellt die energetische Hilfestellung keinerlei Ersatz für ärztliche Diagnose und Behandlung dar, auch keinerlei Ersatz für
psychologische oder psychotherapeutische Behandlung oder Untersuchung.
Sämtliche Aussagen und Ratschläge sind keine Diagnosen, sondern stellen reine energetische Zustandsbeschreibungen dar.
Ich wurde darüber informiert, dass ich mich für die Diagnoseerstellung und Therapie an meinen Arzt/ meine Ärztin zu wenden habe.
Spirituelle Beratung ersetzt keine ärztliche oder psychotherapeutische Behandlung. Falls
du eine medizinische Diagnose oder Therapie benötigst, wende dich bitte an einen Arzt oder eine Ärztin.
**Hinweis**: Ich übernehme keine Haftung für Veränderungen, die während der medialen Begleitung in
deinem emotionalen, mentalen oder energetischen Zustand auftreten können. Hier gilt
**Eigenverantwortliche Handlung**
1:1 channelling
The 1:1 channeling is to be understood as soul communication. In a meditative state you go into the depth of your being and connect with your soul. You relate to yourself and draw from your strength.
Recognize your authentic path & draw from your potential.
Your soul holds a great treasure, the key to your self-empowerment.
soul theme:
ancestral healing
mental constellation work
lost twins theme
Inner Child Work
Reading: Dissolution of Destructive Karmic Energies
Chakra analysis, chakra balancing, chakra clearing
channeling | language of light | Soul Guidance
The soul communication takes place via
Zoom call taking place. (Video recording possible!)
Appreciation contribution: 3.5 hours ~ 150€
Each additional individual session costs: 120€
1:1 channelling
The 1:1 channeling is to be understood as soul communication. In a meditative state you go into the depth of your being and connect with your soul. You relate to yourself and draw from your strength.
Recognize your authentic path & draw from your potential.
Your soul holds a great treasure, the key to your self-empowerment.
soul theme:
ancestral healing
mental constellation work
lost twins theme
Inner Child Work
Reading: Dissolution of Destructive Karmic Energies
Chakra analysis, chakra balancing, chakra clearing
channeling | language of light | Soul Guidance
The soul communication takes place via
Zoom call taking place. (Video recording possible!)
Appreciation contribution: 3.5 hours ~ 150€
Each additional individual session costs: 120€
1:1 channelling
The 1:1 channeling is to be understood as soul communication. In a meditative state you go into the depth of your being and connect with your soul. You relate to yourself and draw from your strength.
Recognize your authentic path & draw from your potential.
Your soul holds a great treasure, the key to your self-empowerment.
soul theme:
ancestral healing
mental constellation work
lost twins theme
Inner Child Work
Reading: Dissolution of Destructive Karmic Energies
Chakra analysis, chakra balancing, chakra clearing
channeling | language of light | Soul Guidance
The soul communication takes place via
Zoom call taking place. (Video recording possible!)
Appreciation contribution: 3.5 hours ~ 150€
Each additional individual session costs: 120€
Crystalline Energy Healing®
Basic course
The crystalline energy is the energy from the 5th dimension and the energy from ancient Atlantis.
The crystalline energy is the pure energy of creation that is now flowing onto our earth and our light body.
The Crystalline - Energy Healing® Basic Course is a sacred place for conscious women and men who are ready to kiss and awaken their inner deity.
This course offers you a space of creation where you can experience your truthfulness and your potential.
It is a space of knowledge and renewal that is supported by the spiritual world and the transforming light waves from the 5th dimension.
The Crystalline Energy Healing® Basic Course is your Sacred Place, your magical space that supports you in your creation process. We dive into the energies of the 5th dimension and manifest your visions.
What awaits you?
Installing and activating your crystals on your etheric body.
Channeled visualization technique of Jesus Christ.
Transformational journey to your inner woman / inner man. You will be accompanied by the crystalline light waves.
Transformational journey to your inner child with 5th dimensional energy.
Transformative journey to your true essence, your soul and soul home.
Meet your higher self. Realize your crystalline path.
Connection with your Crystalline Light Body.
How Crystalline Energy Works:
Activation of your light body.
Activation of your self-healing powers.
Active use of the 16th chakras
Supports your inner balance.
Supportive for your physical and mental health.
You will find divine order, serenity and love within you. Allow yourself to receive these energies and open yourself to all the miracles that want to come into your life.
The next Crystalline Energy Healing® Basic course will follow in 2022.
Live Channeling
Meditation | channeling | language of light
On July 27th, 2022 at 7 p.m. I will offer another meditation evening via zoom call.
This meditation evening takes place in a closed group.
On this very special evening I would like to get in touch with the High Priestesses of Sirius. I also feel the energy of Lemuria in the field.
The priestesses have come to remind us of this paradise. They send us white light from our future to anchor it in the present.
They also give us an initiation. They place a white key in our hearts to open the soul's gates of forgiveness & healing.
It is the primal pain that wants to be redeemed. The primal mother is calling you.
Receive the white light of the priestesses and discover the paradise within you. Through the healing of femininity, paradise is created here on earth.
I am happy if you want to be there and let yourself be touched by the high vibrating energy of our siblings. I look forward to our journey together!
Duration: approx. 2.5 hours
Energy balance: €27
After a successful deposit, you will receive the Zoom link via email.
Crystalline Energy Healing®
Basic course
The crystalline energy is the energy from the 5th dimension and the energy from ancient Atlantis.
The crystalline energy is the pure energy of creation that is now flowing onto our earth and our light body.
The Crystalline - Energy Healing® Basic Course is a sacred place for conscious women and men who are ready to kiss and awaken their inner deity.
This course offers you a space of creation where you can experience your truthfulness and your potential.
It is a space of knowledge and renewal that is supported by the spiritual world and the transforming light waves from the 5th dimension.
The Crystalline Energy Healing® Basic Course is your Sacred Place, your magical space that supports you in your creation process. We dive into the energies of the 5th dimension and manifest your visions.
What awaits you?
Installing and activating your crystals on your etheric body.
Channeled visualization technique of Jesus Christ.
Transformational journey to your inner woman / inner man. You will be accompanied by the crystalline light waves.
Transformational journey to your inner child with 5th dimensional energy.
Transformative journey to your true essence, your soul and soul home.
Meet your higher self. Realize your crystalline path.
Connection with your Crystalline Light Body.
How Crystalline Energy Works:
Activation of your light body.
Activation of your self-healing powers.
Active use of the 16th chakras
Supports your inner balance.
Supportive for your physical and mental health.
You will find divine order, serenity and love within you. Allow yourself to receive these energies and open yourself to all the miracles that want to come into your life.
The next Crystalline Energy Healing® Basic course will follow in 2022.
The Soul Voice
The "soul voice" is your personalized audio file.
You experience your very own soul signature. I connect with your soul and sound the heartbeat of your I AM presence.
I reproduce the tones of your soul via the language of light. This experience may lead you into a state of deep merging and remembrance.
It is your soul story being whispered to you. Listen and feel your soul magic.
The essence of your soul is pure magic.
The soul voice audio file is a very special gift. It transmits your soul wisdom to you. Feel the depth of your soul, your essence.
Audio file: (about 50 - 60 minutes)
Prices: 95€